CAOMS is looking for presenters from all over the nation to present on a variety of topics in webinar format. Do you have knowledge you would like to share with the field at large? Or maybe your agency or organization is already planning a webninar and would be open to partnering with CAOMS to support CEUs?
CAOMS may be able to help! CAOMS host webinars and partners with others to support quality ACVREP CEU opportunties for members and the field at large. Typically, CAOMS webinars are free to attend with optional CEUs provided at no charge to CAOMS members and for $15 per CEU for non-CAOMS Members attending presentations. CAOMS also partners with agencies and organizations to help provide ACVREP CEUS at no cost to the presenter agency or organization.
Please contact the N-CAOMS ACVREP/RPPLE Rep at ceu4caoms@gmail.com to inquire about presenting for or partnering with CAOMS for ACVREP CEU Webinars.