All memberships are valid for one calendar year beginning January 1, with the exception of the N-CAOMS two-year membership, which is valid for two years beginning January 1, and the S-CAOMS five-year membership, which is valid for five years begining January 1.
Our membership includes three categories: Regular, Student, and Associate.
Regular Members are individuals who show evidence of successful completion of an Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired (AER) approved college or university orientation and mobility specialist training program and who have paid the annual dues.
Student Members are individuals who are enrolled in an AER-approved college or university training orientation and mobility specialist training program, and who have paid annual dues. Students members are afforded the rights and privileges of regular members with the exception of voting rights, board election, and officer elections.
Associate Members are individuals who are engaged in the education or rehabilitation of individuals with visual impairments, or who are involved in the administration of programs serving individuals with visual impairments, parents, consumers, and other interested individuals who have paid their annual dues. Associate members are afforded the rights and privileges of regular members with exception voting rights, board election, and officer elections.
Annual Dues are as follows:
- Regular: $50
- Student: $25
- Associate: $25
Interested in joining CAOMS? Simply fill out the membership form and submit membership dues.