
Our Mission

CAOMS is a statewide organization whose mission is to facilitate professional growth and to support the roles of the O&M Specialists in the rehabilitation and education of individuals with visual impairments.

Our Goals

  1. To facilitate professional growth of the members through periodic meetings and conferences; dissemination of pertinent technical and professional information; and informal and formal exchange of knowledge, services and ideas pertaining to the orientation and mobility profession.
  2. To promote and encourage the employment of orientation and mobility specialists where the need for such is indicated.
  3. To provide statements of position concerning quality standards, professional ethics, liability, and service criteria updated as necessary to account for changes in the profession, legislation, population trends, and technology which may be used by administrators, legislators, other government agencies, and consumers as a means for understanding the role of orientation and mobility in rehabilitation and education.
  4. To maintain awareness of, disseminate pertinent information concerning, and propose, support, or oppose legislation on a local, state, and federal level affecting the profession of orientation and mobility, and service delivery in general to individuals with visual impairments.
  5. To promote cooperation among disciplines of professionals and consumers concerned with the rehabilitation and education of individuals with visual impairments.
  6. To increase public awareness of the function and role of the orientation and mobility specialist in the education and rehabilitation of individuals with visual impairments.
  7. To increase the public awareness of the nature, causes, and effects of blindness and of programs serving individuals with visual impairments.

Interested in joining CAOMS?

Regular CAOMS membership is $50 annually and is open to professionals across the nation. Simply fill out the membership form and submit membership dues.

CAOMS Printable Membership Form

N-CAOMS Online Membership Form

CAOMS member benefits include access to free ACVREP CEUs for CAOMS live and on-demand webinars, discounts on CAOMS in-person conferences, inclusion in the weekly CAOMS Communication member email, exclusive events for members, networking opportunities, etc. Visit www.caoms.org to for additional details about CAOMS.